
While most books bear the name of one or more authors, no book makes it into the reader's hands without the support and dedication of a lot of other people. That's certainly the case with Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative. It's a pleasure and an honor to acknowledge the many people who have helped me bring this book to you.

First, thank you to all of the people who have taught me about mindfulness over the years. Some of you I know very well, and others I've learned from at a distance. It's all made a difference. A special shout out and Namaste goes to all of the amazing yoga teachers I've had over the years. Thank you for everything you've given me and taught me.

A sincere thanks to all of the people I interviewed for the book. It was a privilege to hear your stories and enlightening to get your perspectives on mindfulness. There are too many of you to list by name, but all of your insights were invaluable. Thanks also to the many friends and colleagues who suggested people that I should interview and who, in many cases, made introductions that enabled me to connect with those people. To both groups, there would be no book without you. Thank you.

Many thanks to Richard Narramore, my editor at John Wiley & Sons, who sought me out years ago to ask if I was interested in writing another book and who patiently hung in there with me while I moved from not now, to maybe, to let's go. Thanks also to Richard's colleagues: Tiffany Colon, who made ...

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