
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.’
Alexandria Proclamation, 129
Anti-Poverty and Social Inclusion Strategy, 177–178
Barefoot Librarian, 132
Behavioural/cultural lens, 8
Big Society agenda, 59–60
Branch library managers (BLMs), 2, 77–78, 79t
Carnegie UK Trust report, 29
Chatman’s information poverty theories
barrier types, 155–156
complex social and cultural phenomenon, 153
economic poverty, 153
gratification theory, 153–154
information-seeking behaviours, 153
insider/outsider concepts, 154
library services, 154
normative behaviour, 155
socioeconomic groups, 153–154
Chatman’s small-world theories
community engagement staff, 157–158
Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL), 158
‘engaged and proactive’ approaches, ...

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