Setting Up the Example for Windows

There's nothing new in the code presented in this example. All of these features have been shown in previous chapters.

The example is a UNIVARIATE procedure that produces some statistics and a graph. The results are sent to HTML, RTF, and a printer. The code for this example in Windows is as follows:

ODS HTML FRAME="OSframe.html"
         PATH="c:\temp\" (URL=NONE);

ODS RTF FILE="c:\temp\OSfile.rtf";

ODS PDF FILE="c:\temp\OSfile.pdf";
proc univariate data=clinical;
   var age;
   symbol value=star;
   probplot age / normal(mu=est sigma=est) pctlminor;


The ODS HTML statement requests that an HTML page be created with a table of contents. It specifies a file location ...

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