Limitations of SAS Listing Output

Before you can appreciate the wonder of ODS, you need to see where we're starting from. The series of simple procedures in the following example describe some sales data. There's a PROC FREQ step, a PROC UNIVARIATE step, and a PROC PRINT step that lists some outliers in the sales data.

options formdlim=' ';
title "Frequencies";
proc freq data=sales;
    table ProductName Department;
title "Univariate";
proc univariate data=sales;
    var ItemsSold;
title "Outliers for Price";
proc print data=sales;
    where ItemPrice>13;
    var ItemPrice;

The procedures have been run in SAS 9.2, producing Figure. 1.1. Because the program processes three different procedures, the resulting output is a series of three reports. ...

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