Adding Customized Dates

What if you want a different format than "hh:mm dddd, MMMM dd yyyy"? And what if you want both a dynamic date that indicates when the file was last opened, and a static date that indicates when the file was created? You can do this, but you'll need to turn off the system dates and create your own, as demonstrated in the following code:

%let sdate=%sysfunc(putn("&sysdate"d,worddate.));
title justify=right '{Current date: \field {\*\fldinst { DATE \\@
"MMMM d, yyyy" \*\MERGEFORMAT}}}';
title2 justify=right "Report generated on: &sdate";
ODS RTF FILE='BothDates.rtf';
proc print data=clips;

The %LET statement creates the macro variable SDATE, whose value is inserted as the static date value ...

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