
\ (backslash), 249, 429–430, 440

/ (forward slash), 249, 358, 363, 440

${buildDirectory}, 353, 365

${buildDirectory}/features, 353, 365

${buildDirectory}/plugins, 353, 365

${variable} substitution, 353

&, 444

>, 444

<, 444

@noDefault, 433

@none, 433

@user.dir, 434

@user.home, 434


absolute:, 363

Abstraction hierarchy, 21–22

Action lookup, 209–213

action property, 213–215, 234–235

actions extensions, 276–280

activate attribute, 94–96, 101–103, 250, 437–438, 447–450

Activation policy, 417, 420–422

Activators, 23–25, 62–64, 71, 78, 418–419

Active (bundle), 417

addAction, 211–213, 260–261

addExtension, 289–290

Addition, dynamic awareness, 375

addListener method, 52–53

Add-on features, 364–366

addProfile, 229–231

Agent (p2 architecture), ...

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