
9781118461990-ma039.tif Want to take a picture of your screen? You can use Grab to take a picture of all or part of the screen and save that file for printing or sending around (say, to all your screaming fans who want to see your Desktop pattern or how you’ve organized your windows).

rantrave_4c.eps For the first edition of this book, I used Grab to create the screen shots, but I’ve used the superb Snapz Pro X utility (Ambrosia Software; www.ambrosia ) for the figures in subsequent editions. In addition to offering many useful screen shot options not available in Grab, it also does full-motion screen recording.

tip_4c.eps Grab’s best feature is its capability to do a timed screen capture. Like those cameras that let you start the timer and then run to get into the shot, Grab gives you 10 seconds to bring the window you want to the front, pull down a menu, and get the cursor out of the way or whatever you need to do to get the screen just right.

tip_4c.eps Grab’s default behavior is to display no cursor. If you want to show a cursor in your screen shots, choose Grab⇒Preferences and then select a pointer from the ten choices in the ...

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