Part I

Introducing OS X Mountain Lion: The Basics


In this part . . .

Because I believe it’s important to crawl before you walk, in this part, you get a look at the most basic of basics — such as how to turn on your Mac. Next, I acquaint you with the OS X Finder, with its Desktop, windows, icons, and menus (oh my)! Then you find out how to make this cat your own by customizing your work environment to suit your style. After that is a date with the Dock. And last but certainly not least, you discover ways you can use the Finder to make life with Mountain Lion ever so much easier.

So get comfortable, roll up your sleeves, fire up your Mac if you like, and settle down with Part I, a delightful little section I like to think of as “The Hassle-Free Way to Get Started with OS X Mountain Lion.”




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