Troubleshooting with Rules of Precedence

tip.eps If a user complains that he or she can’t access a certain share or save a file, look at your permission structure and the inheritance. You may have one type of inheritance unexpectedly taking precedence over another. For example, check the permissions of the groups that the user belongs to. If you have multiple sets of permissions and inheritance, only one can apply for any given shared folder and user or group. Some permissions take precedence over others.

Here are some rules that define which permissions take precedence:

check.png Standard POSIX permissions apply automatically if no ACL exists for a certain file or folder. If you don’t specify any permissions to a newly created share point (and none are inherited), the default POSIX permissions and inheritance rules are applied.

warning_bomb.eps check.png Deny permissions take precedence. When the server sees a Deny permission, it applies it regardless of other rules or precedence. This behavior can unintentionally block access for a user.

ACL entries are first-come, first-served. The order in which users and groups are listed ...

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