
Academy Awards, 32–34, 39–40

Accenture, 106

accuracy in election markets, 47

of election markets, 44–45, 47–48, 53

at Google, 88–89

at Hewlett-Packard, 119

market manipulation and, 22–24

at Misys, 113, 114–115

of movie markets, 33–34

participation rates and, 211–212

probability and, 16–20

of sports markets, 31–32

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and, 61–64

aggregating information, 24

AIDS, 135–136

AIG, 185, 187

Airbus, 122, 181–183

airlines, commercial, 171

Aliber, Robert, 189

All Nippon Airways, 123

Al-Qaeda, 150, 152

Alta Vista, 84

Amazon, 77–79

American Economic Association, 92

American Enterprise Institute–Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 140

American Idol, 134

analysis, quantitative, 75–79

Analysis ...

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