

Use the Oracle utility tstshm to evaluate the existing shared memory configuration. This tool provides the following information:

  • Number of segments of shared memory generated and attached to the process

  • Location of shared memory in virtual memory

  • Size of shared memory

  • Size of the largest single segment


tstshm is not available on Windows platforms.




The following example illustrates the output of the tstshm command:

$ tstshm
Number of segments gotten by shmget() = 50
Number of segments attached by shmat() = 50
Segments attach at higher addresses
Default shared memory address = 0x40f6e000
Lowest shared memory address = 0x40f6e000
Highest shared memory address = 0x40f6e000
Total shared memory range = 2097152
Total shared memory attached = 104857600
Largest single segment size = 2097152
Segment boundaries (SHMLBA) = 4096 (0x1000)

The last line in the preceding output is useful information when you are monitoring the available memory on your system.

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