

Use oerr to view error messages corresponding to an error code, their cause, and recommended corrective actions.


oerr facility error_number



Specifies the prefix of an error code. For example, if you get a TNS-12560 error, TNS is the facility. The facility is case-insensitive.


Specifies the number of an error code. For example, if you get a TNS-12560 error, 12560 is the error number.


If you get an ORA-01555 error in your application, for example, and you want to know more details about the error, possible causes, and the recommended actions to resolve it, use the oerr utility to get the information:

$ oerr ORA 01555
01555, 00000, "snapshot too old: rollback segment number
 %s with name \"%s\" too small"
// *Cause: rollback records needed by a reader for
// consistent read are overwritten by other writers
// *Action: If in Automatic Undo Management mode,
// increase undo_retention setting. Otherwise, use
// larger rollback segments

The output of oerr is divided into three sections: the error message text, cause, and action. The facility parameter is case-insensitive, and you can trim the leading 0s in the error number.


The oerr utility is not available on Windows platform.

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