


The MARKUP setting specifies markup options for use in generating HTML output. See Chapter 6 for detailed information on generating HTML reports from SQL*Plus.


SET MARKUP ::= HTML [ON | OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text]
                [ENTMAP {ON | OFF}] [SPOOL {ON | OFF}] [PREFORMAT {ON | OFF}]



Enables or disables HTML output. The default is HTML OFF.

[HEAD text]

Specifies content for the HEAD tag, which ends up as <HEAD>text</HEAD>.

[BODY text]

Specifies attributes for the BODY tag, which ends up as <BODY text>.

[TABLE text]

Specifies attributes for the TABLE tag used to define tables holding query output, which ends up as <TABLE text>. Tables used to hold page headers and footers aren't affected by this parameter.


Specifies whether SQL*Plus replaces special characters such as "<" and ">" with their corresponding HTML entities (e.g., "&lt;" and "&gt;"). The default is ENTMAP ON.


Specifies whether a spooled report is generated as a complete, HTML page (ON) or as an HTML fragment (OFF) suitable for embedding into a page that you create. The default is SPOOL OFF.


Matters only when HTML output is enabled, and specifies whether SQL*Plus writes query output as an HTML table or as a preformatted text block (using <pre>...</pre>). The default is PREFORMAT OFF.

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