Chapter 11

 set linesize 132 column sysdate noprint new_val day column last_name hea ‘Last Name’ for a15 column first_name hea ‘First Name’ for a10 column employment_date hea ‘Employment| Date’ jus center format a10 column current_position hea ‘Current Position’ format a18 column wages hea ‘Wages’ format $999,999.99 column purchase_date hea ‘Tool|Purchase| Date’ format a10 jus center column tool_name hea ‘Tool Name’ column tool_cost hea ‘Cost of|Tool’ format $999.99 jus right column department_name hea ‘Department Name’ break on department_name on last_name on first_name - on employment_date on current_position on wages compute sum label ‘Dept Total’ of tool_cost on department_name ttitle left day center ‘Departmental Tool Purchases’ btitle ...

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