Appendix A. References

Because this is the first book devoted exclusively to the topic of Oracle security, we can’t direct you to any other books that deal extensively with this topic. However, we’ve assembled a list of Oracle and security-related books, web sites, newsgroups, and conferences, which we hope will provide you with a starting point for more information on Oracle and security topics.

Technology changes at such a rapid pace that it is hard to keep up. We direct you to Oracle Corporation’s web site as a primary starting point for Oracle information. If you have an Oracle support contract, Oracle’s Metalink site can provide you with a great deal of in-depth data.

In addition to providing Oracle-specific infomation, we’ve also included a number of references to some excellent security-related books and web sites. For an extensive bibliography of security references (both online and offline)—particularly those related to UNIX——we direct you to Appendixes D through F of Practical UNIX & Internet Security (cited below). For Windows NT resources, we direct you to Appendix B of Essential Windows NT System Administration (also cited below).

Oracle Books

There are many Oracle books available on a variety of topics. If an author has published more than one edition of a book, the following list shows the most current edition (e.g., the Oracle8 edition). If you need earlier (e.g., Oracle7) editions, check with your local book seller or with an online source such as ...

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