

Declare a local variable to have the same datatype as the dollar_amount variable in the types package.


Which of the following statements about the DATE datatype are true?

  1. The maximum (latest) date allowed in a date variable is January 1, 4712.

  2. The earliest date allowed in a date variable is January 1, 4712 BC (or BCE).

  3. A date variable contains both date and time information.

  4. A date variable records the time down to the nearest hundredth of a second.

  5. The DATE datatype stores only those numbers of digits for the year you specify when you assign a value to the variable.


Declare a local variable to have the same datatype as the dollar_amount_t SUBTYPE in the types package.


Explain what is wrong with the following anchored declaration:

   dollar_amt CONSTANT NUMBER (20, 2) := 0;
   other_dollar_amt dollar_amt%TYPE;


Explain what is wrong with the following SUBTYPE declaration:

   SUBTYPE small_number IS NUMBER (3);


What error is raised when you try to execute this block of code? What is the problem?

   your_choice SIGNTYPE := 2;


Which of the following statements describe accurately how the “anchoring” of a variable’s datatype to a data structure improves the maintainability of that code?

  1. To anchor, you have to use %TYPE or %ROWTYPE, which involves more typing and that means you have more time to think about what you are typing and can get it right.

  2. If you anchor against a table or column in a table, when that table changes, your compiled code will be marked invalid. After recompilation, your code automatically reflects the latest structure in the table.

  3. When you anchor against a PL/SQL variable, you make sure to define your type of data only once and then reuse that definition. So if the definition changes, you have to change your code in only one place.


Name at least three different objects to which you could anchor a variable.


What datatype would you expect a function of the name “is_value_in_list” to return?

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