Loop Labels

You can give a name to a loop by using a label. (We introduced labels in Chapter 3.) A loop label in PL/SQL has the following format:


where label_name is the name of the label, and that loop label appears immediately before the LOOP statement:

FOR emp_rec IN emp_cur

The label can also appear optionally after the END LOOP reserved words, as the following example demonstrates:

WHILE year_number <= 1995

   FOR month_number IN 1 .. 12
   END LOOP month_loop;

END LOOP year_loop;

The loop label is potentially useful in several ways:

  • When you have written a loop with a large body (say one that starts at line 50, ends on line 725, and has 16 nested loops inside it), use a loop label to tie the end of the loop back explicitly to its start. This visual tag will make it easier for a developer to maintain and debug the program. Without the loop label, it can be very difficult to keep track of which LOOP goes with which END LOOP.

  • You can use the loop label to qualify the name of the loop indexing variable (either a record or a number). Again, this can be helpful for readability. Here is an example:

    FOR year_number IN 1800..1995
       FOR month_number IN 1 .. 12
          IF year_loop.year_number = 1900 THEN ... END IF;
       END LOOP month_loop;
    END LOOP year_loop;
  • When you have nested loops, you can use the label both to improve readability and to increase control over the execution ...

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