The NULL Statement

Usually when you write a statement in a program, you want it to do something. There are cases, however, when you want to tell PL/SQL to do absolutely nothing, and that is where the NULL statement comes in handy. The NULL statement has the following format:


Well, you wouldn’t want ado-nothing statement to be complicated, would you? The NULL statement is simply the reserved word NULL followed by a semicolon (;) to indicate that this is a statement and not a NULL value. The NULL statement does nothing except pass control to the next executable statement.

Why would you want to use the NULL statement? There are several reasons, described in the following sections.

Improving Program Readability

There are many situations in your program where you logically do not want to take any action. In most of these cases, PL/SQL will let you write nothing and the program will execute as you wish. The only drawback is the ambiguity surrounding this solution: it is not clear to a person examining the program that you purposely took no action.

For example, when you write an IF statement, you do not have to include an ELSE clause. To produce a report based on a selection, you can code:

IF :report.selection = 'DETAIL'

What should the program be doing if the report selection is not `DETAIL'? One would assume that the program is supposed to do nothing. But because this is not explicitly stated in the code, one is left to wonder if perhaps there was an oversight. If, on the other hand, you include an explicit ELSE clause that does nothing, you state very clearly, “Don’t worry, I thought about this possibility and I really want nothing to happen.”

IF :report.selection = 'DETAIL'
   NULL; -- Do nothing

Nullifying a Raised Exception

The optional exception section of a program contains one or more exception handlers. These handlers trap and handle errors that have been raised in your program. The structure and flow of the exception section is similar in structure and flow to a conditional CASE statement, as follows:

   WHEN exception_name1 

   WHEN exception_nameN 

If exception_name1 is raised, then execute its statements; if exception_nameN is raised, then execute its statements; and so on. The WHEN OTHERS clause handles any exceptions not handled in the previous WHEN clauses (it is just like the ELSE clause of the IF statement). When you don’t want to write any special code to handle an exception, you can use the NULL statement to make sure that a raised exception halts execution of the current PL/SQL block, but does not propagate any exceptions to enclosing blocks:

PROCEDURE calc_avg_sales
   :sales.avg := :sales.month1 /;
      :sales.avg := 0;

If total sales are zero, then an exception is raised, the average is set to zero, and the trigger processing in Oracle Forms is halted. If any other exceptions occur (such as VALUE_ERROR, which would be raised if the number generated by the calculation is larger than the sales.avg item allows), the WHEN OTHERS clause gets control, handles the exception by doing nothing (i.e., executes the NULL statement), and processing continues. Because the exception is handled, it is not raised to the enclosing block.

See Chapter 6 for more detailed information about exceptions.

Using NULL After a Label

In some cases, you can pair NULL with GOTO to avoid having to execute additional statements. Most of you will never have to use the GOTO statement; there are very few occasions where it is truly needed. If you ever do use GOTO, however, you should remember that when you GOTO a label, at least one executable statement must follow that label. In the following example, I use a GOTO statement to quickly move to the end of my program if the state of my data indicates that no further processing is required:

PROCEDURE process_data (data_in IN orders%ROWTYPE,
                        data_action IN VARCHAR2) IS
   -- First in series of validations.
   IF data_in.ship_date IS NOT NULL
      status := validate_shipdate (data_in.ship_date);
      IF status != 0 THEN GOTO end_of_procedure;
   END IF;

   -- Second in series of validations.
   IF data_in.order_date IS NOT NULL
      status := validate_orderdate (data_in.order_date);
      IF status != 0 THEN GOTO end_of_procedure;
   END IF;

   ... more validations ...

   << end_of_procedure >>

With this approach, if I encounter an error in any single section, I use the GOTO to bypass all remaining validation checks. Because I do not have to do anything at the termination of the procedure, I place a NULL statement after the label because at least one executable statement is required there. Even though NULL does nothing, it is still an executable statement.

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