


The DIFFERENCES procedure compares the data in a table at a master site with the same table at a reference site. The reference site need not be the master definition site.

The procedure stores discrepancies between the reference table and comparison table in a “missing rows” table, which the user must create. It populates the table specified by the missing_rows_oname1 parameter with rows that exist in the reference table but not the comparison table and rows that exist in the comparison table but not the reference table. The table identified by the missing_rows_oname2 parameter has one record for every record in missing_rows_oname1, which identifies which site has the record.

  (sname1 IN VARCHAR2,
   oname1 IN VARCHAR2,
   reference_site IN VARCHAR2 := '',
   sname2 IN VARCHAR2,
   oname2 IN VARCHAR2,
   comparison_site IN VARCHAR2 := '',
   where_clause IN VARCHAR2 := '',
   {column_list IN VARCHAR2 := '' |
   array_columns IN dbms_utility.name_array,},
   missing_rows_sname IN VARCHAR2,
   missing_rows_oname1 IN VARCHAR2,
   missing_rows_oname2 IN VARCHAR2,
   missing_rows_site IN VARCHAR2 := '',
   max_missing IN INTEGER,
   commit_rows IN INTEGER := 500);

This procedure can take a long time to run and only identifies differences, which then need to be processed with DBMS_RECTIFIER_DIFF.RECTIFY. If the volume of data is significant, it will probably be easier for you to simply reinstantiate the comparison table by importing an export of ...

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