Prerequisites and Restrictions

Read-only snapshots do not require the advanced replication facilities. You must, however, have the Procedural Option installed (i.e., the catalog script catproc.sqlmust have been run), and the scripts dbmssnap.sqland prvtsnap.plbmust have been run. (Oracle runs these scripts automatically when you install the Procedural Option by running catproc.sql.) You also must set initialization parameters and grant appropriate system privileges to accounts that create snapshots.

Initialization Parameters

In order for snapshots to be capable ofrefreshing automatically, you must set the following initialization parameters:


This parameter should be set to at least 1. The default is 0.


This parameter should be set to a value that is less than or equal to your most frequent snapshot interval. The default is 60; the units are seconds.

System Privileges

The following system privileges are associated with snapshot administration:


The grantee can change various properties of snapshots in any schema. You should reserve this privilege for DBA accounts; it is granted to the DBA role when the database is created.


The grantee can create a snapshot in any schema. You should reserve this privilege for DBA accounts; it is granted to the roles DBA and IMP_FULL_DATABASE when the database is created.


The grantee can create and drop private database links. Technically, this privilege is not ...

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