
-- Filename:    repgroup.sql
-- Purpose:     Lists status of all replication groups.
-- Author:      Chas. Dye (
-- Date:        28-Jun-1996
column MASTER           heading "Mast|Site"             format a4
column MASTERDEF        heading "Mast|Def|Site"         format a4
column STATUS           heading "Status"                format a9
column GNAME            heading "Group"                 format a12
column SCHEMA_COMMENT   heading "Comment"               format a45

SELECT  g.gname,
        decode(g.master, 'N', 'No', 'Y', 'Yes') master, 
        decode(s.masterdef, 'Y', 'Yes', 'N', 'No') masterdef,
FROM    dba_repgroup g,
        dba_repsites s
WHERE   g.gname = s.gname
AND     s.my_dblink = 'Y'

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