
-- Filename:    invalids.sql
-- Purpose:     Lists all invalid objects and provides SQL to (attempt to)
--              repair them.
-- Author:      Chas. Dye (
-- Date:        28-Jun-1996
column object_name  format a25      heading "Object Name"
column status       format a7       heading "Status"
column owner        format a12      heading "Owner"
column object_type  format a12      heading "Object Type"
column created      format a20      heading "Date Created"
column fix          format a70      heading "Run these statements to repair"

SELECT  object_name, status, object_type, owner, created
FROM    dba_objects
WHERE   status != 'VALID'

      'ALTER ' || 
      DECODE( object_type, 'PACKAGE BODY', 'PACKAGE', object_type) || ' ' ||
      lower(owner)||'.'|| lower(object_name) ||
      DECODE( object_type, 'PACKAGE BODY', ' COMPILE BODY;', ' COMPILE;') fix
FROM  dba_objects
WHERE object_type IN (        'FUNCTION',
                              'PACKAGE BODY',
AND   status = 'INVALID'

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