
-- Filename:    deferror8.sql
-- Purpose:     Reports on deferred transaction with errors and generates
--              call to dbms_defer_sys.execute_error to clear them.
-- Author:      Chas. Dye (
-- Date:        28-Jun-1996
-- Modification History
-- --------------------
-- 13-Aug-1998 : Chas. : Updated for Oracle8; added commands to delete error.
-- 09-Oct-1998 : Chas. : Added ORDER BY start_time
column ORIGIN_TRAN_DB       heading "Origin|Tran|DB"        format a15
column DEFERRED_TRAN_ID     heading "Deferred|Tran|ID"      format a15
column DESTINATION          heading "Destination"           format a15
column ERROR_TIME           heading "Error Time"            format a22
column ERROR_NUMBER         heading "Error#"                format 999999
column FIX                  heading "Run This to Clear"     format a80
column DITCH                heading "Run This to Delete"    format a80

SELECT  deferred_tran_id,
        to_char(start_time, 'DD-Mon-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') error_time,
FROM    deferror
ORDER BY start_time

SELECT  'EXECUTE dbms_defer_sys.execute_error(' || chr(39) ||
        deferred_tran_id || chr(39) || ', '|| chr(39) ||
        destination || chr(39) || ' )'  fix
FROM    deferror
ORDER BY start_time

SELECT  'EXECUTE dbms_defer_sys.delete_error(' || chr(39) ||
        deferred_tran_id || chr(39) || ', '|| chr(39) ||
        destination || chr(39) || ' )'  ditch
FROM    deferror
ORDER BY start_time

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