Appendix B. Scripts and Utilities

This appendix contains a collection of scripts and utilities that I find useful when administering distributed systems. Many of the scripts are described, or at least mentioned, in this book. Each contains a brief description of its function. Although I have tested these scripts and utilities and use them on a regular basis, platforms and configurations differ, so be sure to test them in your own environment. These scripts and utilities are also available at the O’Reilly web site; see the Preface for details.


-- Filename:    busycirc.sql
-- Purpose:     Provides stats indicating whether or not a given circuit
--              is overly taxed in a Multi-Threaded Server environment.
-- Author:      Chas. Dye (
-- Date:        6-Aug-1998
column server   heading "Server"                             format a8
column circuit  heading "Name"                               format a8
column status   heading "Status"                             format a8
column message0 heading "Bytes|in|First|Msg|Buf"             format 9,999
column message1 heading "Bytes|in|Second|Msg|Buf"            format 9,999
column messages heading "Messages|Processed"                 format 999,999
column queue    heading "Queue"                              format a10
column bytes    heading "Bytes"                              format 9,999,999
column breaks   heading "Brks"                               format 999
SELECT  server,
FROM    v$circuit
ORDER BY server 

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