Format Models

Date Format Models

Table 1-15. Date Format Models
ElementValue Returned
- / , . ; “text”Quoted text and punctuation are reproduced in the result
AD A.D.Indicates date that is AD. Periods optional
AM A.M. PM P.M.Before or after noon. Periods optional
BC B.C.Indicates date that is BC. Periods optional
CC SCCCentury (SCC precedes BC century with -)
DThe day of week (1–7)
DAYThe name of the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). Padded to 9 characters.
DDDay of month (1–31)
DDDThe number of the day of year (1–366)
DYThe name of the day of the week, abbreviated
EAbbreviated era name (for Japanese Imperial, ROC Official, and Thai Buddha calendars)
EEFull era name
FF [1–9]Fractional seconds. 1–9 specifies the number of digits
HHHour of day(12-hour ...

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