Chapter 13. Abridged Oracle JPublisher

This chapter does not purport to provide exhaustive coverage of JPublisher. Rather, it will introduce the rationale for using JPublisher, the utility, its features, its environment, the options, the mapping categories or possibilities, and some examples.

Why JPublisher?

I will use a PL/SQL RECORD type that cannot be mapped directly to or from Java. Assume you want to map the following MYPKG PL/SQL package, which contains a procedure that takes a RECORD as IN OUT parameter, into a Java class Mypkg:

create or replace package mypkg
as type studrec
is record (name varchar2(10),
age number);
procedure proc1 (enrold timestamp,
stud in out studrec);

Assume also that you want to map SQL TIMESTAMP to java.util.Date ...

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