Creating and using OS-authenticated users

In this recipe, you'll learn about OS-authenticated users.

Getting ready

To complete this recipe, you'll need an existing user who has a dba role, for example, johndba. It is assumed that you are working on Linux.

How to do it...

  1. Connect to the database as a user who has a DBA role:
    $ sqlplus johndba
  2. Find the prefix for operating system authentication:
    SQL> show parameter os_authent_prefix
    NAME                  TYPE          VALUE      
    -----------------     --------      -----------
    os_authent_prefix     string        ops$
  3. Create an OS-authenticated user:
    SQL> create user ops$zoran identified externally;
  4. Grant this user the create session privilege:
    SQL> grant create session to ops$zoran;
  5. Log in to the operating system as the user zoran:
    $ su - zoran

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