

24 x 7 x forever, high availability, 4

99.999% (five nines), in HA, 8


AAST (acquisition ASTs)

conveying status of lock resources, 36

in messaging, 294

ACD (Active Change Directory), 151

ACFS (ASM Cluster File System)

administering, 155–156

ADVM (ASM Dynamic Volume Manager) and, 146

enhancing ASM to serve as general purpose file system, 30

key components of ASM, 138–139

managing metadata for, 142

setting up, 156

snapshots, 146–147, 156–157

acquisition ASTs (AAST)

conveying status of lock resources, 36

in messaging, 294

Active Change Directory (ACD), 151

ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic and Monitor), 276–277 script, 475

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 62

ADDRESS_LIST, load balancing specified by, 354

administration ...

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