
10.x, upgrading ASM instances to 11.x from, 54–57

11.x, upgrading ASM instances from 10.x to, 54–57

% (percent) sign, using in ASCMD noninteractive mode, 169

_ (underscore) parameters, setting, 49

+ (plus) sign, meaning of, 209


access time, explanation of, 4

ACD (Active Change Directory), function in virtual metadata, 240

ADD DIRECTORY clause, using, 161

ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository)

contents of, 46

viewing and tracking, 47

AIX, configuring ASM on, 78–79

alert logs

for disk brought offline and online, 107–108

examining, 290–297

I/O failures in, 115

during rebalance operation, 128–129

Alias Directory, function in virtual metadata, 241


creating, 161

displaying, 66

allocation failure message, occurrence of, 289

Allocation ...

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