XML Developer Kits

Oracle provides XML Developer Kits (XDKs) that can develop web applications that leverage XML in four programming languages:

  • XDK for Java

  • XDK for C

  • XDK for C++

  • XDK for PL/SQL

These XDKs are used in the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) for Java-based web applications, while mod_fastcgi is used for C and C++, and mod_plsql is used for PL/SQL.

Along with the XDK APIs and command-line utilities that execute these APIs, Oracle Application Server provides several XML tools, including:

  • XML Class Generator

  • XML SQL Utility for performing database queries that produce XML, and also insert XML into an Oracle database

  • XSQL Pages that produce web content using XML similar to JSPs

A substantial amount of additional XML functionality is available when you use an Oracle database. However, because that functionality is available only with an Oracle database, it isn’t covered here.

Table 10-1 lists the various features supported by the four XDKs. Of the four, the XDK for Java is the most feature-rich.

Table 10-1. XML Developer Kits and features






XML 1.0

XML Developer Kits and features

XML Developer Kits and features

XML Developer Kits and features

XML Namespaces 1.0

XML Path Language 1.0

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