3-12. Stepping Through a Loop Based on Odd-Numbered Increments


Rather than iterating through a range of numbers by even increments, you prefer to loop through the range using odd increments.


Use the built-in MOD function to determine whether the current index is odd. If it is odd, then print out the value; otherwise, continue to the next iteration. The following example shows how to implement this solution:

BEGIN   FOR idx IN 1..10 LOOP     IF MOD(idx,2) != 0 THEN       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The current index is: ' || idx);     END IF;   END LOOP; END;


The current index is: 1 The current index is: 3 The current index is: 5 The current index is: 7 The current index is: 9 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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