14-8. Passing Data Between Web Pages


You have a multi-page data entry form in which the final page requires data entered on pages that precede it. You need to pass the data gathered on previous pages to the current page.


Pass the name/value pairs from previous pages using the htp.formHidden procedure in the PL/SQL Web Toolkit. In this recipe each parameter is passed to the next form using hidden HTML elements.

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE multi AS    PROCEDURE page1;    PROCEDURE page2 (var1 varchar2);    PROCEDURE page3 (var1 varchar2, var2 varchar2);    PROCEDURE process (var1 varchar2, var2 varchar2, var3 varchar2); END multi; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY multi AS PROCEDURE page1 IS begin    htp.formOpen ('multi.page2', ...

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