Chapter 4

The Project Management Pillar

This chapter focuses on the Project Management Pillar dimensions and considerations on the path from strategy to delivery of information technology (IT) services. Chapter 3 addressed the Strategy considerations, and Chapter 5 addresses the Operational Excellence considerations on the path from strategy to delivery.

For some additional context, Figure 4.1 illustrates the steps involved in optimizing and assessing IT.

Figure 4.1 Steps for Optimizing and Assessing IT


The materials covered in Chapters 3 to 5 relate directly to the second step shown in Figure 4.1: “Assess the Situation,” or assessing the current IT function against the desired end state. As noted in Chapter 3, Chapters 3 to 5 assume that the goals for the IT organization are known. My focus in this book is on optimizing and assessing IT as opposed to topics such as creating a strategy. Figure 4.2 presents an overall view of the framework that I employ to discuss the path from strategy to delivery.

Figure 4.2 High-Level Overview of Framework



Figure 4.2 traces the course from strategy to deliver by moving from the left to the right. This course begins in the upper-left-hand corner of the matrix in Cell #1 of the IT Pillars Model (IPM) and ends in the ...

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