Glossary of Terms

Allowable weakness

Allowable weaknesses are weaker areas that don't lead to serious problems with our performance or relationships.

Emotional strengths

This group of strengths concerns how you make sense of, express and manage your emotions.

Execution strengths

This group of strengths concerns delivering results – what and how they are delivered.


A term used to describe peak motivational experiences and occurs when we are completely immersed or involved in an activity and are optimizing our strengths. It is also described as being in the “zone”.

Interference/blockers (internal and external)

A type of performance risk that can undermine effective performance. Interference can be internal to the person (e.g. a self-limiting belief or attitude) or external (e.g. a genuine constraint in role or organization).

Limiting weakness

A type of performance that can undermine effective performance. A limiting weakness is a quality that doesn't energize us and we are not good at (and are unlikely to ever be great at).


Strengthscope®'s 360 degree function – enabling up to eight raters to provide feedback on an individual's Significant 7 Strengths.

Negative stretch

Occurs where people feel overwhelmed by being stretched in the wrong way into their “panic zone” – this typically occurs where they are not supported and are being stretched in areas of weakness or non-strength.

Performance risks

There are three main types of performance risks:

  • Limiting ...

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