Aggregate planning is an integral part of the business planning process. This process begins when your company's top management gathers input from finance, marketing, operations, and engineering to develop a strategic business plan. The strategic business plan, with its long-term focus, provides your company's direction and objectives for the next 2 to 10 years. The strategic business plan is normally updated and reevaluated annually. The strategic business plan is also the starting point for sales and operations planning. It states the company's objectives for profitability, growth rate, and return on investment.

images Strategic business plan

A statement of long-range strategy and revenue, cost, and profit objectives.

Sales and operations planning integrates the medium-range functional plans developed by marketing, operations, engineering, and finance. Sales and operations planning begins with the marketing plan developed by the marketing group based on information shared with operations, finance, and engineering.

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The process that brings together all the functional business plans (marketing, operations, engineering, and finance) into one integrated plan.

Marketing Plan

The marketing plan is intended to meet the objectives of ...

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