Chapter Highlights

images Layout planning is deciding on the best physical arrangement of all resources that consume space within a facility. Proper layout planning is highly important for the efficient running of a business. Otherwise, there can be much wasted time and energy, as well as confusion.

images There are four basic types of layouts: process, product, hybrid, and fixed position. Process layouts group resources based on similar processes or functions, as in a hospital or a machine job shop. Product layouts arrange resources in straight-line fashion, as on an assembly line. Hybrid layouts combine elements of both process and product layouts in their operation. Finally, fixed-position layouts occur when the product is large and cannot be moved.

images Process layouts provide much flexibility and allow for the production of many products with differing characteristics. Product layouts, on the other hand, provide great efficiency when producing one type of product.

images The steps in designing a process layout are (1) gathering information about space needs, space availability, and closeness requirements ...

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