Appendix B. Tales From the Cryp^H^H^H^H Cloud

Herein lies a selection of tales from OpenStack cloud operators. Read and learn from their wisdom.

Double VLAN

I was on-site in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, setting up a new OpenStack cloud. The deployment was fully automated: Cobbler deployed the OS on the bare metal, bootstrapped it, and Puppet took over from there. I had run the deployment scenario so many times in practice and took for granted that everything was working.

On my last day in Kelowna, I was in a conference call from my hotel. In the background, I was fooling around on the new cloud. I launched an instance and logged in. Everything looked fine. Out of boredom, I ran ps aux, and all of the sudden the instance locked up.

Thinking it was just a one-off issue, I terminated the instance and launched a new one. By then, the conference call ended, and I was off to the data center.

At the data center, I was finishing up some tasks and remembered the lockup. I logged in to the new instance and ran ps aux again. It worked. Phew. I decided to run it one more time. It locked up. WTF.

After reproducing the problem several times, I came to the unfortunate conclusion that this cloud did indeed have a problem. Even worse, my time was up in Kelowna, and I had to return to Calgary.

Where do you even begin troubleshooting something like this? An instance just randomly locks when a command is issued. Is it the image? Nope—it happens on all images. Is it the compute node? Nope—all nodes. ...

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