Specifying drawing types

The next step after setting vertex attribute arrays is to tell the osg::Geometry object how to render them. The virtual base class osg::PrimitiveSet is used to manage a geometry primitive set which records the rendering order information of vertices. The osg::Geometry provides a few public methods to operate on one or more primitive sets:

  1. The addPrimitiveSet() method takes an osg::PrimitiveSet pointer as the parameter and attaches a primitive set to the osg::Geometry object.
  2. The removePrimitiveSet() requires a zero-based index parameter and the number of primitive sets to remove. It will remove one or more attached primitive sets.
  3. The getPrimitiveSet() returns the osg::PrimitiveSet pointer at the specified index.
  4. The getNumPrimitiveSets() ...

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