Porting JamVM to use OpenJDK

Another Zero HotSpot alternative for non-JIT supported platforms is JamVM—an extremely small VM, which is the smallest among those supporting the blue book specification (one that was published in the book form) for Java VMs.

Getting ready

We may need a real or emulated ARM device that has Linux and any Java environment installed. We need Java to perform a javac compilation, which is a necessary part of IcedTea building process.

How to do it...

Though JamVM patches may be applied manually, we will use the more simple way:

  1. First, let's clone the source from the repository:
    git clone git://git.berlios.de/jamvm
  2. Then we configure it to use OpenJDK as Java runtime libraries:
    ./autogen.sh –with-java-runtime-library=openjdk

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