Drawing Our Texture

Now that we’ve divided our vertex data and shader programs into different classes, let’s update our renderer class to draw using our texture. Open up AirHockeyRenderer, and delete everything except onSurfaceChanged, as that’s the only method we won’t change. Add the following members and constructor:

private​ ​final​ ​Context​ context;
private​ ​final​ ​float​​[]​ projectionMatrix = ​new​ ​float​[16];
private​ ​final​ ​float​​[]​ modelMatrix = ​new​ ​float​[16];
private​ Table table;
private​ Mallet mallet;
private​ TextureShaderProgram textureProgram;
private​ ColorShaderProgram colorProgram;
private​ ​int​ texture;
public​ AirHockeyRenderer(​ ...

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