

-- (pre-increment) unary operator, 131

- (subtract) operator, 124–126

?: (ternary selection) operator, 129

- or -- (unary) operators, 131

| or || (or) operators, 127–128

+ (addition) operator, 124–126

+ or ++ (post-increment) unary operator, 131

!= (not equal) operator, 127

== (equal) operator, 127

% (remainder) operator, 124–126

& or && (and) operators, 127–128

* (multiply) operator, 124–126

^ (exclusive or) operator, 127–128

^^ (exclusive) operator, 128

~ (not) operator, 127–128

< (greater than) operator, 127

>= (greater than or equal) operator, 127

>> (right shift) operator, 129–130


0 value, 64–65, 68

2D composition, in DFT, 457–458

64-bit integers, embedded profile, 385–386

754 formats, IEEE floating-point arithmetic, ...

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