Querying image objects

Similar to all OpenCL objects, image objects can also be queried using the clGetImageInfo function. In the previous chapter, we discussed the clGetMemObjectInfo function, which was used to query the OpenCL cl_mem object. This API can be used to determine if the cl_mem object is of type CL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER or one of the image types specified by cl_image_desc.image_type argument while creating the image object.

Once you know that the cl_mem object is for an OpenCL image object, you can retrieve information about the image using the clGetImageInfo function.

cl_int clGetImageInfo (cl_mem image,cl_image_info param_name,size_t param_value_size,void *param_value,size_t *param_value_size_ret)

The different param_name values which ...

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