12.2. Embedding PHP Into HTML

There are several ways to embed PHP code into HTML documents. One way is to put the PHP code within the tags <? ... ?>:

<? echo "hello, world!"; ?> 

Most PHP programmers choose this syntax. If PHP is combined with XML, however, there are conflicts with this syntax. In XML the <? ... ?> construct is a special thing called a processing instruction. If PHP and XML are needed in the same file, one can use the alternative PHP tag <?php ... ?>:

<?php echo "hello, world!"; ?> 

Some HTML editors (such as FrontPage) don’t like processing instructions, so another alternative is to use the <SCRIPT> tag. This is the syntax:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="php"> echo "hello, world!"; </SCRIPT> 

And last but not least, the final way is ...

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