7.11. Project—CGI/MySQL/DBI

Now we have all the necessary tools to do what we came here to do: hook DBI into CGI programs. We’ll create a CGI program that displays the current contents of the age_information table like that created in Chapter 5. It also presents the user with a form to fill out, and if the user submits the form, the data submitted is added to the database table.

The program is in the file /var/www/cgi-bin/age.cgi. The entire contents can be found at either http://localhost/mysql/age.cgi or www.opensourcewebbook.com/mysql/age.cgi.

This program generates a page that has the look and feel of our web site, so it builds a bunch of HTML code. We put this code into two functions, top_html() and bottom_html(), to build the HTML for ...

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