Part IV

Establishing Your Reputation


In this part . . .

In Part IV, I take you from listening to what people are saying to deciding how you will respond, and I give you time-tested guidelines for establishing your reputation online. Starting with Chapter 8, I show you how to develop your brand’s voice and save you time by showing you how to avoid some common beginner’s mistakes. In Chapter 9, I give you ideas for effectively claiming your brand online. Moving on to Chapter 10, I take you deeper into the art and science of creating great messages that get loved and shared online. In Chapter 11, I explain how to tap into focused interest groups that will connect with your industry online in a meaningful (and influential) way. In Chapter 12, you’ll draw from your SEO keywords and your online reputation management strategy to write posts and status updates online that get you seen more efficiently. Looks might not be everything, but they may well be online! In Chapter 13, I explore using visuals to spread your message. Chapter 14 rounds out Part IV by telling you how to discover and inspire your best promoters. I share the fine art of discovering and recognizing your own brand-evangelist relationships.

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