Chapter 3

The One Word Process

In the movie City Slickers, Billy Crystal plays Mitch, a vacationing businessman who, along with two friends, takes on the adventure of a cattle drive. In the middle of the drive, a rough-necked cowhand named Curly tells Mitch that the secret to life is just one thing. Curly emphasizes the point by holding up one finger and saying, “One thing. Just one thing.” Mitch asks, “But, what is that one thing?” Curly responds, “That’s what you have to find out!”

One thing changes everything.

Now that you understand the history and power of One Word, you are probably wondering how you figure out your One Word.

Through our own experiences and our work with countless others, we’ve developed a simple, three-step process that will provide an easy framework for finding your One Word:

1. Prepare your heart by looking in.
2. Discover your word by looking up.
3. Live your word by looking out.

In the following sections, we walk you through these three steps to help you find your word or, perhaps better stated, to allow your word to find you. We’re confident that there’s a word meant just for you and when you live your word, it will have a profound impact on every area of your life.

One Word isn’t only for the select few who are highly motivated. In fact, it works best for those who are tired of the same old thing and maybe even a little frustrated by previous failures. ...

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