Chapter 5

Discover Your Word: Look Up



Once you’ve prepared your heart, you are ready to receive your word. That’s right, receive it. Contrary to what you might have thought, you don’t have to chase after your word or feel stressed at the thought of trying to choose it. After you have prepared your heart, you’re ready to simply look up to the Creator.

There is a word that’s meant for each one of us—a word based on where we are in our lives and where God wants to guide us. That’s why, in a room with hundreds of people, almost everyone will have a different word. There are different words for people with different circumstances and destinies.

The process of looking up is meant to be peaceful, not stressful. Filled with hope, not despair. Fueled by faith, not by fear. You don’t have to force it or add it as another checkmark on your to-do list.

After preparing your heart, all you have to do is plug in and listen up. Then God will reveal your word to you.

Plug In

Plugging in requires that you make time for prayer. Whether you pray while taking a morning walk, going to bed, showering, gardening, or driving to work, prayer is simply having a conversation with God. When you express your needs and wants, struggles and failures, and hopes and dreams, you reveal your heart to God and allow God to share unconditional love for you.

Prayer should be our first response—not our last resort. ...

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