CHAPTER 14 Webcasts—Best Practices for Panelists and Moderators

The bulk of this book has been devoted to on-camera performance, based on the application of the MVPs of performance success. While those tenets of the MVPs do still matter during a webcast, they diminish a bit in their importance. Why? When it comes to performing well in a webcast, the focus is on your expertise, not your performance prowess.

If you've been asked to be part of a panel discussion that will be broadcast—either live or live to tape—you presumably provide value, based on your knowledge and experience. That's what landed you on that panel in the first place. The fact that you are a solid on-camera presenter is a bonus, not the reason for your selection.

In this chapter, I provide some guidance on how to wow in a webcast, whether you are serving as a panelist or a moderator.

Why a Webcast Is Easier to Master

Congratulations! You have been asked to be part of a webcast to share what you know with the masses. While the goals of webcasts vary, your participation in it indicates that you have been deemed either an expert in your industry, vertical, or field or considered to be a representative voice, more than capable of speaking to the topic at hand.

Sharing your expertise is right in your wheelhouse. After all, you are certainly master of your content. You've got this.

But then you show up at the studio on the day of the webcast, and your confidence begins to drain. The studio where it is being shot is ...

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