Time for action — creating a class

Using the previously applied code we are now going to create a class to separate the Ogre code from the main function.

  1. Create the class MyApplication, which has two private pointers, one to a Ogre 3D SceneManager and the other to the Root class:
    class MyApplication
    Ogre::SceneManager* _sceneManager;
    Ogre::Root* _root;
  2. The rest of this class should be public:
  3. Create a loadResources() function, which loads the resources.cfg configuration file:
    void loadResources()
    Ogre::ConfigFile cf;
  4. Iterate over the sections of the configuration file:
    Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator sectionIter = cf.getSectionIterator(); Ogre::String sectionName, typeName, dataname; while (sectionIter.hasMoreElements()) ...

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