Time for action — selecting a color channel

We are going to use the previous code, but we have to add and delete a lot:

  1. Start with the fragment program. Besides the normal parameter, add a float4 uniform parameter to store the color channel factors. Use these factors to multiply the color we retrieved from the original scene texture:
    void MyFragmentShader10(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,
    out float4 color : COLOR,
    uniform sampler2D texture,
    uniform float4 factors
    color = tex2D(texture, uv);
    color *= factors;
  2. Create a new material that uses the fragment shader and add the parameter with the default value of (1,1,1,0). This means that without changing the parameter, the scene will be rendered normally:
    fragment_program MyFragmentShader10 cg { source ...

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